Fast recovery

Maximize your post-workout recovery with our expertly crafted blend of ingredients designed to support muscle repair, reduce soreness, and replenish energy. Let us help you choose the perfect ingredients to create a superior recovery supplement that meets the demands of your active customers.


Benefits: A mix of essential minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium are essential for maintaining hydration, muscle function, and overall performance.


Benefits: Magnesium possesses anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce exercise-induced inflammation and oxidative stress.

Vitamin B6

Benefits: Vitamin B6 helps in the conversion of glycogen into glucose, providing energy for muscle contractions during exercise.

Vitamin B12

Benefits: Vitamin B12 is important for muscle health as it helps maintain the myelin sheath, a protetike covering of nerve fibers that control muscle movement.


More than 450.000 happy end users. Become our partner and take care of your customers. Innovative ingredients for the future.